Friday, October 31, 2008

God Bless You, Great Grandpa

I am told that my Great Grandpa (Papa's Grandfather) passed away today (he left this world in the morning). He had not been feeling well for about a year or so but I have no details regarding his ailment. Neither do I know how old he was ... :'(

Lord Jesus, please bless my Great Grandpa's soul, Amen.

Monday, October 27, 2008

You Arx Important !

Whxn you arx txmptxd to takx a Sunday off, and you think that thx absxncx of onx pxrson won't makx too much diffxrxncx at church, you placx thx congrxgation in thx samx position as a fxllow trying to typx with onx kxy missing.

Hx can makx substitutions just as wx havx donx, but thx rxsult is nxvxr thx samx as whxn all thx mxmbxrs of thx congrxgation arx togxthxr ...

Got this from a vxry old church bullxtin ... hxx hxx hxx ...

Sunday, October 26, 2008

A Frown Gets the Job Done :P

I am quite good at frowning … defines a frown as “to contract the brow in displeasure, severity, or sternness; to scowl; to put on a stern, grim, or surly look”.

A frown gets your message across without being verbal. A frown allows you to assert negative pressure creatively.

I frown when Mummy or Papa won’t let me do certain things … or I have to give back what I took from them or when I am admonished for behaving badly …

Neng-ngu says that I should be given the “rotan” … what’s a “rotan” ?

Friday, October 24, 2008

Hungry Now ? They are Hungry all the Time !

Mummy went to Kentucky Fried Chicken today to buy lunch for the company. She saw a community project by KFC - Hunger Relief Program (running from 14 Oct - 16 Nov 2008). All funds raised will be donated by KFC to United Nations World Food Program. What we can do is to purchase a wristband at the cost of only RM2.

It is said that every 5 seconds, a child dies from hunger somewhere around the world and more than 800 million people in the world go to bed on an empty stomach, most of whom are children and women.

This is indeed very sad and shocking ... considering that we have advanced so much as mankind.

Sometimes when I read about how millions have been swindled or wasted or stashed away by the greed of man ... there can be so many ways which we can do to help the hungry.

Read more up on wher World Food Program from

Even Mariah Carey is helping out. She is an ambassador propogating funds.

The World Food Programme is the world's largest humanitarian agency providing food and resources to build self-sustaining communities in the most impoverished corners of the world.

Monday, October 13, 2008

I Had an AXR

AXR mean Abdominal X-Ray
I had a terrible bout of vomiting since Friday (after coming back from daycare) … in fact, I have been vomiting almost daily (for the week) … but things became really bad on Friday and I couldn’t keep food down.

Mummy took me to the doctor’s on Saturday, I was given an anti-vomiting suppository, some nausea medicines and Doctor recommends that I go for an ultra-sound for my tummy. He suspects a twisted gut which is not uncommon among toddlers below 24 months. Scary diagnosis I tell you !!

Papa and Mummy decided to wait and see ... but they had to finally take me back to see my own doctor as my vomiting didn’t stop. Doctor recommended that I take an abdominal x-ray ( as she suspects bowel obstruction (constipation) or gastroenteritis (layman term “stomach flu”). Funny thing is I had no fever or diarrhea. Doctor prescribed a 7-day probiotics - Lactobacillus GG ( to be given to me.

It was a horrid feeling altogether, I was so scared of vomiting after so many repeats. I was feeling nausea, having tummy cramps and bloated-ness, tired and dehydrated. I slept so much and I didn’t want food at all. I lost quite a bit of weight over the 5 days ordeal.

I felt better after a week and I highly suspect the cause of my ailment was something I ate from daycare !

For more info on gastroenteritis: