Monday, April 28, 2008

Fish oil + Vitamin C

Multivitamin + Cod liver oil is suppose to:
- help stimulate appetite and improve digestion
- promote healthy hair, skin and nail, good vision, strong bones and healthy teeth
- increase resistance against coughs, colds, chest and bronchial troubles
- maintain healthy muscles and nervous system
- optimize brain development

Children at my daycare is always coming down with flu or cold and i hate it when they stay close to me and give me their germs !!
Mah-mah told Mummy that i have to build up my body resistance or else i will be catching on those nasty viruses ! humph !

Friday, April 25, 2008

Strawberry Pear

Or also called dragon fruit or “pitaya”. Originated and a native of South America, it was brought to Asia by Holland and France.

I love the dragon fruit and Mummy said that she only saw it in existence maybe about 5-6 years ago. The local farmers only started planting the “pitaya” locally about 8 years ago.

Covered with pointed green-tipped scales, the dragon fruit is a spectacular sight in the inside. The translucent pearly-white or fuchsia-colored flesh is dotted with a mass of edible black seeds, (something like that of kiwi fruit) and has an appealing crunchy texture.

Its taste is sweet, with a slightly acidic melon-like flavor. Dragon fruits are best eaten ripe and cold. All you have to do is to slice the fruit into half, scoop the flesh with a spoon and whalla …

Apparently there is also a yellow colored species but Mummy has not seen it, so I have not had the opportunity to try it yet.

Enjoy ...

Monday, April 21, 2008

Myth or Fact ?

My Ee Ee just pointed out that I gave my cough and flu germs to my Mah-Mah last week :( ... now Mah-Mah is coughing real bad ...

Mah-Mah, please take your medicine to get well ...

Doctor pointed out that there are certain foods that really can promote cough - just like what those old Chinese Grandmamas say - aiyoh, cough aldi kenot eat those things ah !!

Apparently, fruits like Oranges, Grapes, Cherries, Pears, Watermelons promote phelgm but apples and papayas are ok (mind bogling) ... Doctor even dare Papa to try it and see if the cough gets worse :O ... huh !

Niways, my favourite drink now is Apple juice :D
Remember, an apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Ya Ba Da Ba Doo

Yay ... I am back to my normal self ... I have gotten over ("for the time being") my teething problems.

Do you know that - Baby teeth consist of a total of 20 individual teeth, equally divided between the upper and lower jaws ... and the eruption of baby teeth begins at 6 1/2 months up to 30 months !! Sheesh ... I guess it was only my 1st molars erupting this time ... uuugh ! next wud be the cuspids and the 2nd molars (still a long way to go) ...

And, and Mummy says that these baby teeth will fall off when i age 7-8 ... Man, what's the point of it all !!

And here's a simple guide for when baby teeth will erupt -

Central Incisors - lower jaw (erupts at 6 1/2 months) / upper jaw (7 1/2 months)
Lateral Incisors - lower jaw (erupts at 7 months) / upper jaw (8 months)
1st Molars - lower jaw (12 - 16 months) / upper jaw (12 - 16 months)
Cuspids - lower jaw (16 - 20 months) / upper jaw (16 - 20 months)
2nd Molars - lower jaw (20 - 30 months) / upper jaw (20 - 30 months)

To all babies out there - welcome to the world of teething pains !!! hummmph ...

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I Hate Her !

I hate my teacher - she has been punishing me !

T-T-Teacher stop that screaming, why you so mean to me?
Punishing me when you can't control me
I'm just gonna cry and wail, cause I know ...
Teacher's making me look like a fool.

I hate all her "scam" and I hope her homework will stay there, won't return
Hate her bad, hate her bad, hate her bad, I hate the teacher.
I hate her bad, so bad, I hate the teacher.

I really hate her. Tell me you wrinkled old hag, why are you so darn old?
Just forget about that golden rule !

Got that from some parody written by some pissed-off guy ... reflects what i feel !!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Teething Pains

I had a terrible pain in my mouth with molars trying to sprout ... Mummy had taken me to the doctor twice last week but nothing was given to me to address my teething problems.

I had been complaining to Mummy about my pain and discomfort but Mummy seems to be only worried about my flu and cough and my weight loss. I can't eat well cos my gums hurt and my appetite is drastically affected ... ai, Mummy, Mummy - listen to what i am trying to tell you.

Teacher at daycare had a hard time trying to soothe me and even the pacifier didn't help me anymore ... so Teacher asked Mummy to try Bonjela -
Bonjela is a sugar free cool mint flavoured pain relieving gel which also reduces inflammation and helps fight infection in mouth ulcers, braces sores, dentures sores, teething and cold sores.

I hope my molars will quickly sprout out and away with the pain in my gums.

Update: I never did use the Bonjela ... Mummy was advised by an old auntie at the pharmarcy to actually help me by rubbing my gums and letting me bite her fingers ... this helped crack up my gums ...

Friday, April 11, 2008

My Big Ee Ee

Big Ee Ee came home to see everyone last month after 4 years of absence. I finally managed to see her in person.

Khor-khor Ethan and Cheh-cheh Elise had better interaction with her as they were able to communicate and reciprocate in conversations ... as for me, ai ... i can just run around her with a sense of curiousity.

Nevertheless, Big Ee Ee said that she is happy to see me and calls my tummy a "jelly belly" ... wait, let me check the meaning of that word up ... heh, heh, heh, it means "fat" ... no wonder Uncle Simon told Big Ee Ee not to call me that.

Niways, Big Ee Ee only stayed for about 2 weeks this time she's home and before the flew back to her home, she gave me an angpow and a talking/singing Fisher-Price phone from

Thank you Big Ee Ee. I hope the next time you are home, i too get to chit chat with you.

God Bless you, Big Ee Ee.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

To have or Not to have

I was given the chickenpox vaccine last Saturday and got a fever and outbreak of red patches on my body on Tuesday ...

Mommy felt guilty as apparently she was advised that there WASN'T really a real need for it but Doctor says it is better to administer the vaccine than me getting the real thing ...

To date, those who have received the vaccine have a much lower incidence of shingles than those who actually had chickenpox over the same time period. Those who receive the vaccine also have a dramatically decreased risk of scarring. Finally, studies so far have found the chickenpox vaccine to be highly effective in preventing moderate and severe chickenpox in children (Redbook: Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases, 2000).

The above is indeed comforting to know and to hold fast to the belief that "prevention is better than cure" ...

The excerpt is from Dr. Greene

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Developing An Attitude

Piak ! I literally got smacked by Mommy on my back-side two nights ago.

Mommy just lost her patience with me and whacked my buttocks - it was red with her fingerprints but i didn't cry. Mommy was taken aback that she could hit me so hard but still i didn't cry.

Why didn't i cry ? Because i had been disciplined and whacked by teacher in school. I was claimed to be naughty - snatching away toys from other kids and trying to climb over my crib, slapping faces and flinging away my food at feedtime. All allegations against me ! All allegations ...
Should i cry ? Why should i cry ?

Isn't crying suppose to be a sign of weakness or is it a myth ?

Blah ... i don't care ! And i don't wanna care ...

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Who is Daddy ?

Wow, a very interesting read has come up ... it was reported in the US that a DIY paternity kit has made its debut into pharmacies on March 27th ...

I have heard of pregnancy kits and ovulation kits for mummies - but this is a 1st for papas ... parenthood must have evolved so much that such a demand has risen.

And the kit is so easy to use, "dads" only need to swab for cells from the inside cheeks of the kid/child, the alleged father and then the swabs are sent to the lab for results.

The controversal question is - are these paternity kits helpful ?... a spokesperson say that "it may break up families" :O