Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Developing An Attitude

Piak ! I literally got smacked by Mommy on my back-side two nights ago.

Mommy just lost her patience with me and whacked my buttocks - it was red with her fingerprints but i didn't cry. Mommy was taken aback that she could hit me so hard but still i didn't cry.

Why didn't i cry ? Because i had been disciplined and whacked by teacher in school. I was claimed to be naughty - snatching away toys from other kids and trying to climb over my crib, slapping faces and flinging away my food at feedtime. All allegations against me ! All allegations ...
Should i cry ? Why should i cry ?

Isn't crying suppose to be a sign of weakness or is it a myth ?

Blah ... i don't care ! And i don't wanna care ...


PreciousPearl said...

aiyoh, Deneigh Excel Tiong, you sound like you're well into your terrible 2s! better be nice to your Mommy so she will be more patient with you. and don't forget to give your Mommy a cuddle!

Anonymous said...

you are one naughty girl, eh? never mind, you are still very loveable and your mummy loves you very very much!