Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A Gift of Love by WyethAID

Last month, WyethAID (WyethAid Charity Fund is the non-profit initiative by Wyeth harmaceuticals Malaysia) launched a nationwide public education campaign on the pneumococcal diseases (PnD).
Apparently only 31% of Malaysian parents are aware of this disease which is the no. 1 cause of death in children.

What is PnD ? The pneumococcal diseases are infections caused by the bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) which lives in the lining of the nose and throat of many healthy people (carriers). The spread of the PnD bacteria is airborne (coughing, sneezing or respiratory droplets of the infected person) and direct contact.

There are 3 major conditions caused by the invasive PnD:
1) pneumonia - infection of the lungs
2) bacteramia - infection of the blood
3) meningitis - infection of the lining of the brain/spinal cord

PnD can be very serious and impact the quality of life. However, it can be prevented by a series of vaccination. Vaccine PPV (pneumococcal polysaccharide which contains 23 purified capsular antigens) and the newer PCV (pneumococcal conjugate vaccine which contains 7 purified capsular polysaccharides) can be administered to children.

PCV can be given at 2, 4, 6 months and the 4th dose between 12 to 15 months. Children aged 2 - 5 can be given either PCV or PPV. I had PCV after my KD (Kawasaki Disease) observation period was over and doctor highly recommends to Mummy that i be given the PCV. It was also because i fall in the "high risk" group. And as i was older, i only had to take 3 jabs.

The PVC is very costly and cost well above RM1,000+ for the completion of all the doses (averagely costed at RM300 per jab) , which is why parents become wary of giving the vaccine and a great need to promote PnD awareness.

Papas + Mamas (with young babies), please read up more on the PnD.

Have a good day ...

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