Monday, January 19, 2009

The Meaning of Hong Baos

A 红包 (Hong Bao) is simply a red-colored envelope or packet with money in it, and decorated with lucky symbols, which symbolizes life, wealth, happiness and good luck.

During Chinese New Year, red packets are traditionally handed out to younger generation by their parents, grand parents, relatives, and even close neighbors and friends.

Red packets are given as a wish for good luck from married elders to children. And all those who are not married will receive red packets. Those who are still collecting hong baos till this day say “Yay !”

Few helpful tips when receiving a hong bao:
1) Never, never open red packets in front of the elders. It’s a sign of disrespect!
2) Don’t think that you get to keep ALL your hong boas. Sometimes, our parents make us "regurgitate" the money which we received back. They will change the hong bao packet and return the money to the giver. Humph ! Kill joy.
3) Please be smart and keep the bills and not only the coins from your hong baos. My mummy was once so dumb that she threw away the dollar bill that came in a hong bao and kept the coin. Stupid !

Gong Xi Fa Cai. Hong Bao Nah Lai !

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