Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Chinese Winter Solstice - Dong Zhi

22 Dec every year is said to be the Chinese Winter Solstice Festival (also known as Dong Zhi). Tang Yuan or glutinous rice balls will be made as a sweet treat among the Chinese community.

Neng-nging made some glutinous rice balls last weekend and I had them as desserts after dinner. She made them plain and tossed them into peanut powder. This is how it was done back home and not the usual way of preparing tang yuan (boiled and eaten together with sweet soup).It was fun eating the glutinous rice balls with toothpicks together with everyone. Mummy wasn't around to enjoy the sweet treat :P ... too bad, she had to give it a miss.

It is said that many elderly people regard Dong Zhi as a reminder that we are now a year older and should behave better in the coming year !

Here is an interesting website on the history of Dong Zhi: http://www.netglimse.com/holidays/dong_zhi/history_of_dong_zhi.shtml

1 comment:

PreciousPearl said...

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!