Thursday, October 18, 2007

How Did I Get Tagged ?

Oh, Oh, how did i get tagged ?

I was really surprised to see that my blog site is being tagged ... huh, must be my nen-ngu who tagged me ... who else can be that resourceful ...

Hmm ... as my blog is now shown to a whole new community, then i might as well enjoy this unfounded windfall ... hee hee

It's nice to be in the limelight once in a while. ya ;)

Thank you, nen-ngu :D


Unknown said...

enable anonymous comments and you'll get a lot more responses... :)

~LiL' VoLCaNo3 PriNc3sS~ said...

but the problem wif enabling anonymous comments is always 'spammers'. so isnt it better to have some form of restriction?
Btw...i'm LavaGal from the ACS Unofficial Alumni Forum website wer u were tagged.
Thought u were our founder at first...hehe, bet I'm wrong. A close relative of daboss i suppose? :)